Podcast Episode - Self Care and a conversation with Lenka Dostalova, Health Coach
During this time of high stress, organizations are finding it more important than ever to support employees and teammates and encouraging self-care. Organizations are realizing that employees that are take care of themselves and feel supported have reduced stress, are more efficient and productive. Employees that take care of themselves, take less sick time and stay at an organization longer. Self-care helps ensure ongoing good health (both mental and physical), and help you better manage your stress and build resilience.
Grays Peak Strategies has been doing work with organizations on energy management, chair yoga, and meditation. This idea of a health coaching has been a recent topic that has come up and we have been introduced to an amazing health coach, Lenka Dostalova. So, what is a health coach? A health coach is a supportive mentor who partners with individuals to help guide and motivate lifestyle changes by creating personalized wellness plans to meet their unique needs.
Health coach, Lenka Dostalova
Lenka loves to make people happy and just being around Lenka has a positive effect on one’s mood as she’s upbeat and full of energy. She’ll talk about her background as a floral designer and her immigration to the US eastern Europe. We explore what being a certified holistic/health coach is and some of the techniques such her passion for functional breathing and how she became a certified Buteyko and Oxygen Advantage instructor.
As a coach Lenka is there to inspire people and help people see the beauty around them. you. Her motto is to teach you people that they don’t have to just dream and say, “maybe one day”. One interesting thing that I talk to Lenka about is cold water Immersion. It’s interesting boosts the cardiovascular circulation, which is beneficial for a healthy heart, a strong immune system, well-balanced mental health, and a high level of energy.
If you want to reach out to Lenka, or want more information, she can be reached at healthcoachlenka@gmail.com